Troop 165, Cary NC





Troop 165 Information


Current Events


Be Prepared!


On the Trail to Eagle



Be Prepared!

This page lists the needed items at the next Thursday meeting as well as suggestions for what to bring on the next campout. These lists may not be complete.


February 18th Meeting

OA elections are being held next meeting, so if you are at least first class and you are not already a memeber of the Order of the Arrow, think of some reasons why you feel you should be in the OA.

Please find information on the person you were assigned. To check the spelling of a name, look at the mall expo section.


Next Campout

Note: The ski trip has been delayed due to bad weather. A new day will be set soon.

Remember, this is the ski trip, so bring warm clothes!!

  • Snack for the drive up/slopes
  • Spending money ($25 - $35)
  • Warm Clothes

    This page was last updated on 02/15/99    
    Some images and text have been obtained from the BSA homepage. This site has been designed and made by Chris S.